Journal Articles:


Maurer, I., Lorenzen, M., and Staber, U. 2012. ”Space and Interorganizational Relations,” Industry and Innovation, 19: 181-186.

Staber, Udo. 2011. “Creating and Breaking Paths in Organizational Culture: A Cognitive-Evolutionary Perspective,” Journal of Futures Studies, 15, pp. 45-62

Staber, Udo and Sautter, Björn. 2011. “Who Are We, and Do We Need to Change? Cluster Identity and Life Cycle,” Regional Studies, 45, pp. 1349-1361.

Staber, Udo. 2010. “Partners Forever? An Empirical Study of Relational Ties in Two Small-Firm Clusters,” Urban Studies, 48, pp. 235-252.

Sydow, J., Windeler, A., Wirth, C., and Staber, U. 2010. “Foreign Market Entry as Network Entry: A Relational-Structuration Perspective on Internationalization in Television Content Production,” Scandinavian Journal of Management, 26: 13-24. 

Staber, Udo. 2010. “Imitation Without Interaction: How Firms Identify With Clusters,” Organization Studies, 31, pp. 153-174.

Sydow, J., Lerch, F., and Staber, U. 2010. "Planning for Path-Dependence? The Case of a Network in the Berlin-Brandenburg Optics Cluster," Economic Geography, 86, pp. 173-195.

Staber, Udo. 2009. "An Ecological-Evolutionary Perspective on the Micro-Foundations of Cultural-Products Networks," Sinergie, 15, pp. 11-28.

Belussi, F. and Staber, U. 2009. "Preface: Networks of Creativity,” Sinergie, 15, pp. 5-10.

Staber, Udo. 2009. "Collective Learning in Clusters: Mechanisms and Biases," Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 21, pp. 553-573.

Staber, Udo. 2008. "Network Evolution in Cultural Industries," Industry and Innovation, 15, pp. 569-578.

Staber, Udo. 2007. "The Competitive Advantage of Regional Clusters: An Organizational-Evolutionary Perspective," Competition and Change, 11, pp. 3-18.

Staber, Udo. 2007. "A Matter of Distrust: Explaining the Persistence of Dysfunctional Beliefs in Regional Clusters," Growth and Change, 38, pp. 341-363.

Staber, Udo. 2007. "Contextualizing Research on Social Capital in Regional Clusters," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 31, pp. 505-521.

Staber, Udo. 2007. "Sleeping with the Enemy, oder Vorsicht vor falschen Freunden: Sozioökonomische Überlegungen zum Dilemma der Coopetition," Managementforschung, 17, pp. 257-285.

Staber, Udo. 2006. "Social Capital Processes in Cross-Cultural Management," International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 6, pp. 189-203.

Staber, Udo. 2004. "Networking Beyond Organizational Boundaries: The Case of Project Organizations," Creativity and Innovation Management, 13, pp. 30-40.

Staber, Udo. 2003. "Social Capital or Strong Culture?" Human Resource Development International, 6, pp. 413-420.

Sydow, Jörg and Udo Staber. 2002. "The Institutional Embeddedness of Project Networks: The Case of Content Production in German Television," Regional Studies, 36, pp. 215-227.

Staber, Udo. 2002. "Soziale Netzwerke in der projektorientierten Unternehmung," Der Betriebswirt / The Business Manager, 43, pp. 22-29.

Staber, Udo and Jörg Sydow. 2002. "Organizational Adaptive Capacity: A Structuration Perspective," Journal of Management Inquiry, 11, pp. 408-425. 

Staber, Udo. 2002. "Der evolutionstheoretische Ansatz in der amerikanischen Organisationsforschung: Einblicke und Aussichten," Managementforschung, 12, pp. 113-146.

Staber, Udo. 2001. "Spatial Proximity and Firm Survival in a Declining Industrial District: The Case of Knitwear Firms in Baden-Württemberg," Regional Studies, 35, pp. 329-341.

Staber, Udo. 2001. "The Structure of Networks in Industrial Districts," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 25, pp. 537-552.

Staber, Udo. 1998. "Sociology and Economic Development Policy: The Case of Industrial District Promotion", Canadian Journal of Sociology, 23, pp. 239-261.

Staber, Udo. 1998. "Interfirm Cooperation and Competition in Industrial Districts", Organization Studies, 19, pp. 701-724.

Staber, Udo. 1997. "An Ecological Perspective on Entrepreneurship in Industrial Districts," Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 9, pp. 45-64.

Staber, Udo. 1997. "Specialization in a Declining Industrial District: The Case of Baden-Württemberg Textiles and Clothing", Growth and Change, 28, pp. 475-495.

Staber, Udo. 1996. "Accounting for Variations in the Performance of Industrial Districts: The Case of Baden-Württemberg," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 20, pp. 299-316.

Wiedenmayer, Gabriele, Howard Aldrich, and Udo Staber. 1995. "Von Gründerpersonen zu Gründungsraten: Organisationsgründungen aus populationsökologischer Sicht," Die Betriebswirtschaft, 55, pp. 221-236.

Staber, Udo and Howard Aldrich. 1995. "Cross-National Similarities in the Personal Ties of Small Business Owners: A Comparison of Two Regions in North America," Canadian Journal of Sociology, 20, pp. 441-467.

Staber, Udo and Basu Sharma. 1994. "The Employment Regimes of Industrial Districts: Promises, Myths, and Realities," Industrielle Beziehungen / German Journal of Industrial Relations, 1, pp. 321-346.

Staber, Udo. 1993. "Worker Cooperatives and the Business Cycle: Are They the Answer to Unemployment?" American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 52, pp. 129-143.

Staber, Udo and Dieter Bögenhold. 1993. "Self-Employment: A Study of Seventeen OECD Countries," Industrial Relations Journal, 24, pp. 126-137.

Bögenhold, Dieter, Udo Staber, and Graham Winch. 1993. "History and Uncertainty: A Dynamic Perspective on Human Resource Management," Zeitschrift für Personalforschung / German Journal of Personnel Research, 7, pp. 227-246.

Bögenhold, Dieter and Udo Staber. 1993. "Self-Employment Dynamics: A Reply to Meager," Work, Employment and Society, 7, pp. 465-472.

Staber, Udo. 1993. "Friends, Acquaintances, Strangers: Gender Differences in the Structure of Entrepreneurial Networks," Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 11, pp. 73-82.

Staber, Udo. 1992. "Organizational Interdependence and Organizational Mortality in the Cooperative Sector: A Community Ecology Perspective," Human Relations, 45, pp. 1191-1212.

Bögenhold, Dieter and Udo Staber. 1991. "The Decline and Rise of Self-Employment," Work, Employment and Society, 5, pp. 223-239.

Bögenhold, Dieter and Udo Staber. 1990. "Selbständigkeit als ein Reflex auf Arbeitslosigkeit? Makrosoziologische Befunde einer international-komparativen Studie," Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 42, pp. 268-282.

Staber, Udo. 1989. "Age-Dependence and Historical Effects on the Failure Rates of Worker Cooperatives: An Event-History Analysis," Economic and Industrial Democracy, 10, pp. 59-80.

Staber, Udo. 1989. "Organizational Foundings in the Cooperative Sector in Atlantic Canada: An Ecological Perspective," Organization Studies, 10, pp. 383-405.

Staber, Udo and Howard Aldrich. 1989. "Human Resource Strategies: the Ecological Cracks," Industrial Relations Journal, 20, pp. 110-118.

Aldrich, Howard and Udo Staber. 1989. "Le Relazioni Industriali Che Cambiano", Sviluppo et Organizzazione, n. 111, pp. 45-58.

Staber, Udo. 1987. "Corporatism and the Governance Structure of American Trade Associations, Political Studies, 35, pp. 278-288.

Staber, Udo and Howard Aldrich. 1987. "A Population Ecology Perspective on Underemployment in Alternative Organizations," International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 7, pp. 43-53.

Staber, Udo. 1987. "Collective Action and Interest Asymmetry: A Replication and Extension of Stigler's Study of Trade Associations," Journal of Business, 15: 7-11.

Staber, Udo. 1987. "Structural Constraints on Associative Action in Business: An Empirical Investigation," Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 4, pp. 252-265.

Staber, Udo. 1986. "Liabilities of Newness and Smallness: A Pilot Study of Job Stability in Small Firms," Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 4, pp. 42-47.

Staber, Udo. 1986. "Measuring Team Performance: An Evolutionary Perspective," Journal of Business, 14, pp. 334-352.

Staber, Udo and N. V. Schaefer. 1985/1986. "Small is Beautiful and Bountiful: Is It Also Socially Responsible?" Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 3, pp. 45-50.

Langer, J. and Udo Staber. 1985. "Leadership in High-Performance Teams," Journal of Business, 13, pp. 24-36.

Staber, Udo. 1984. "Game Playing: Rivalry or Competition?" Journal of Business, 12, pp. 21-29.



Book Chapters:


Staber, U. 2013. “Putting Creativity in Place: A Relational and Practice Perspective,” in Lazzeretti, L. (ed.) Creative Industries and Innovation in Europe: Concepts, Measures and Comparative Case Studies. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 251-265.

Staber, U. 2012. “The Ecological Foundations of Creativity,” in Belussi, F. and Staber, U. (eds.) 2012. Managing Networks of Creativity. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 30-45.

Staber, U. 2011. "Geographic Proximity in Entrepreneurship," in Dana, L. (ed.) World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 188-197.

Staber, U. 2010. "A Social-Evolutionary Perspective on Regional Clusters," in Boschma, R and Martin, R. (eds.) Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 221-238.

Staber, Udo. 2009. "External Labor Market," in Wankel, Charles and Golson, Geoffrey (eds.) Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Vol. 2. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, pp. 652-655.

Staber, Udo. 2009. "Local Competitors," in Wankel, Charles and Golson, Geoffrey (eds.) Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Vol. 3. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, pp. 1021-1023.

Fuchs, Gerhard, Fahl, Ulrich, Pyka, Andreas, Staber, Udo, Vögele, Stefan, and Weimer-Jehle, Wolfgang. 2008. “Generating Innovation Scenarios Using the Cross-Impact Methodology,” Discussion Papers Series, University of Bremen, Department of Economics. 

Staber, Udo. 2006. "Social Capital in Entrepreneurial Clusters: A Review and Research Agenda," in Kantarelis, D. (ed.) Global Business and Economics Anthology. Worcester: B&ESI, pp. 47-61.

Staber, Udo. 2005. "Entrepreneurship as a Source of Path Dependency in Regional Development," in Fuchs, G. and Shapira, P. (eds.) Rethinking Regional Innovation and Change. Berlin: Springer, pp. 107-126.

Staber, Udo. 2004. "Netzwerke," in Schreyögg, G. and v. Werden, A. (eds.) Handwörterbuch der Unternehmensführung und Organisation / Handbook of Management and Organization. Stuttgart: Schaeffer-Poeschel, pp. 932-940.

Lutz, Anja, Jörg Sydow, and Udo Staber. 2003. "TV-Content Production in Media Regions: The Necessities and Difficulties of Public Support for a Project Based Industry," in Fornahl, Dirk and Brenner, Thomas (eds.) Cooperation, Networks and Institutions in Regional Innovation Systems. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar: 194-219.

Maurer, Indre and Udo Staber. 2002. "Das soziale Kapital zwischenbetrieblicher Netzwerke am Beispiel junger Biotechnologieunternehmen," in Freitag, M. and Winkler, I. (eds.). Kooperationsentwicklung in zwischenbetrieblichen Netzwerken: Strukturierung, Koordination und Kompetenzen, Würzburg/Boston: Deutscher Wissenschaftsverlag, pp. 171-191.

Staber, Udo. 2002. "Soziales Kapital im Management von Unternehmensnetzwerken," in Schmidt, Rudi, Gergs, Hans-Joachim, and Pohlmann, Markus (eds.) Managementsoziologie: Themen, Desiderate, Perspektiven. Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag, pp. 112-127.

Staber, Udo. 2000. "Interfirm Networks", in S. B. Dahiya (ed.) The Current State of Management. Rohtak: Spellbound Publications, pp. 845-861.

Staber, Udo and Morrison, C. 2000. "The Empirical Foundations of Industrial District Theory," in Wolfe, David and Holbrook, Adam (eds.) Innovation, Institutions and Territory: Regional Innovation Systems in Canada, Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queens Press, pp. 32-51.

Staber, Udo. 1999. "Netzwerksteuerung und organisationstheoretische Perspektiven", in J. Sydow and A. Windeler (eds.) Steuerung von Netzwerken: Konzepte und Praktiken. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 58-87.

Staber, Udo. 1996. "Networks and Regional Development: Perspectives and Unresolved Issues", in U. Staber, N. Schaefer, and B. Sharma (eds.) Business Networks: Prospects for Regional Development, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter: 1-23.

Staber, Udo. 1996. "The Social Embeddedness of Industrial District Networks: An Institutional Perspective", in U. Staber, N. Schaefer, and B. Sharma (eds.) Business Networks: Prospects for Regional Development, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter: 148-74.

Staber, Udo. 1995. "Industrial Districts by Design?" in Sammy Amin and Nejet Delener (eds.), Global Business Trends, Cumberland: Academy of Business Administration, pp. 218-222.

Staber, Udo and Jörg Sydow. 1995. "Adaptation and Adaptive Capacity: Managerial Issues for Organizations and Interorganization Networks", in G. Roberts (ed.) Revitalising Organisations: The Academic Contribution. Sheffield: Hallam University Press, pp. 117-126.

Staber, Udo. 1994. "An Ecological Perspective on Mortality of Cooperatives," in Litsa Nicolaou-Smokoviti and György Szell (eds.) Participation, Organizational Effectiveness and Quality of Work Life in the Year 2000, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp. 309-332.

Bögenhold, Dieter and Udo Staber. 1993. "Social Continuity and Change: The Contextual Environment of Self-Employment," in Heinz Klandt (ed.), Entrepreneurship and Business Development, Aldershot: Avebury, pp. 211-224.

Aldrich, Howard, Catherine Zimmer, Udo Staber, and John Beggs. 1993. "Minimalism, Mutualism, and Maturity: The Evolution of American Trade Associations in the 20th Century," in Jitendra Singh and Joel Baum (eds.), The Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizations, Oxford University Press, pp. 223-239.

Staber, Udo and Barry Boothman. 1991. "Cooperation or Competition? Disbanding Rates in a Population of Marketing Cooperatives," in Richard Magjuka and Sam Bacharach (eds.), Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 9, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 103-138.

Bögenhold, Dieter and Udo Staber. 1991. "Die Blüte des traditionellen Sektors in der Moderne? in Wolfgang Glatzer (ed.), Die Modernisierung moderner Gesellschaften. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 518-530.

Aldrich, Howard, Udo Staber, Catherine Zimmer and Jack Beggs. 1990. "Minimalism and Organizational Mortality: Patterns of Disbanding Among U.S. Trade Associations, 1900¬1983," in Jitendra V. Singh (ed.), Organizational Evolution: New Directions, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, pp. 21-52.

Staber, Udo and Howard Aldrich, 1988. "An Evolutionary View on Changes in Employment Relationships: The Evolution of Organizational Control in the United States," in G. Dlugos, W. Dorow and K. Weiermair (eds), Management Under Differing Labour Market and Employment Systems, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter Publishing Co., pp. 46-58.

Staber, Udo. 1988. "Controlling Corporate Governance: Market and Polity", in U. Staber (ed.) Business and Government in a Changing Society and Economy. Littleton: Copley Press, pp. 3-9.

Aldrich, Howard and Udo Staber, 1988. "Organizing Business Interests: Patterns of Trade Association Foundings, Transformations, and Deaths," in Glenn Carroll (ed.) Ecological Models of Organizations. New York: Ballinger, pp. 111-126.

Staber, Udo and Howard Aldrich. 1986. "Government Regulation and the Expansion of Trade Associations," in Howard Aldrich and Associates, Population Perspectives on Organizations, Uppsala: Uppsala University Press, pp. 77-93.

Staber, Udo. 1985. "A Population Perspective on Collective Action as an Organizational Form: The Case of Trade Associations," in Sam Bacharach and Stephen Mitchell (eds.), Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. IV, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press: 181-219.

Staber, Udo. 1985. "National Trade Associations: Corporatist Possibilities for Industrial Policy," in Leicester Moise (ed.), Organizational Policy and Development, Vol. III, Louisville: Center for Continuing Studies, University of Louisville: 65-83.

Staber, Udo and Howard Aldrich. 1983. "Trade Association Stability and Public Policy," in Richard Hall and Robert Quinn (eds.), Organizational Theory and Public Policy, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications: 163-178.


 Book Reviews:


Staber, Udo. 2009. Community, Economic Creativity, and Organization, by Ash Amin and Joanne Roberts (eds.), Growth and Change, 40: 712-717.

Staber, Udo. 2008. Creative Cities, Cultural Clusters and Local Economic Development, by Philip Cooke and Luciana Lazzeretti (eds.), Growth and Change, 39: 667-670.

Staber, Udo. 2007. Architectures of Knowledge: Firms, Capabilities, and Communities, by Ash Amin and Patrick Cohendet. Human Systems Management, 26: 311-312.

Staber, Udo. 1999. Specialisation and Localised Learning: Six Studies on the European Furniture Industry, by Mark Lorenzen (ed.), Journal of Economic Literature, 37: 1206-1207.

Staber, Udo. 1990. Organizing Business: Trade Associations in America and Japan, by Leonard Lynn and Timothy McKeown, Contemporary Sociology: An International Journal of Reviews, 19: 53-54.

Staber, Udo. 1990. Organizational Change in Its Context, by Huibert de Man, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 11: 423-425.

Staber, Udo. 1988. Die Unternehmung in der demokratischen Gesellschaft/The Business Corporation in Democratic Society, edited by Wolfgang Dorow, Administrative Science Quarterly, 33: 635-637.


 Case Studies:


Seitz, B., Staber, U., and Jonczyk, C. 2002. ”The Human Capital Effects of the DaimlerChrysler South Africa HIV/AIDS Workplace Program,” New York: United Nations Global Compact Learning Forum.

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